
Emotional Kindertransport Tour

In July 2019, my husband Norm and I joined several members of the Kindertransport Association on a commemorative tour of Europe for the 80th anniversary of Kindertransport. The tour was both joyous and heartbreaking, tracing the journey that my mother and 10,000 other children had taken from Nazi rule to England in the months preceding the outbreak of WWII. One indelible lesson from the trip was that many more European Jews, children, and adults could have been saved had more countries allowed them entry.

Unlike most Kindertransport children, my mother reunited with her parents and her brother within a year, and the family entered the USA together in 1940. While my mother avoided discussing the Nazis, she never tired of telling the story of her arrival to the US.

Their ship steamed into Boston Harbor on April 19, 1940, the citywide celebration of Paul Revere Day. My mom, age 12, looked at the shore from the deck and saw…(read more).

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