Lolita Pascua

The Water is Wide (Music Video)

Performed by Pastor and Debbie Cheol's Son Daniel Choi and his Friend Calum Graham
Alvarino Aquino

Alvarino Aquino Passes

Beloved Church Member Dies After Long Illness Alvarino Aquino, long time church member with familial ties to generations of First United Methodist Church of Wilmington members, passed away on March 17, 2022. Memorial services are scheduledā€¦
Lolita Pascua

Lolita Pascua Passes Away

Our good friend and co-disciple, Lolita Pascua passed away Monday, March 7. Please offer sincere prayers for the eternal peace and grace of God for her and the family. Lolita will be missed by Wilmington UMC congregation, friends, and the ā€¦